Tuesday, June 29, 2010

World Cup Fans’ Reactions

The World Cup fans are always very expressive : they scream, they cry, they celebrate and their facial expressions are very funny. All these fans were captured in fornt of TV sets or giant screens while live telecast.Sou...

Monday, June 28, 2010

Strongest Kid You've Ever Seen


Heart Made in 46 Ways

In everyone’s life there is at least one love story, so is it any wonder that love is most commonly an inexhaustible subject of art works, whether written, composed or painted. “Trademark” of love is the heart and the artist Dominique Kraner used this symbol of his cute photos. “Heart everywhere and in everything” – words can express what is presented by Kraner. “I give you chocolate heart”, “Love bite” or “Warmth of love” could be the names of these...

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