Sunday, June 13, 2010

Red Lights to Automatically Stop Your Car

Our days of reckless driving seem to be coming to an abrupt halt... in front of a red light. Very soon, even if you want to skip a red light, and even if you want to speed through a traffic signal, you won't be able to! The day is going to come when a red light will force you to stop. Disobeying traffic rules and red lights won't be an option any more. You will be forced, even against your will, to stop your car at a red light.
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Fast drivers might frown, as will lovers of "Need for Speed" motor racing. IBM is on a mission to ensure you obey traffic rules. The company has filed a patent in which it has claimed rights over a technology that revolutionises traffic signals. They have designed a system in which a traffic light can start and stop the engine of your car!

Benefits of This Technology
Whether you like it or not, it seems as if governments across the world will be happy to adopt this technology. Why? Just think of all the benefits:

? Such a system will be able to reduce fuel wastage. What better than a traffic light to know when the green signal is about to appear? If the red light is going to be on for a long period of time, then the traffic light will turn off your engine, saving fuel
? This will also please the green activists who will appreciate that a reduction in fuel consumption is directly proportionate to a reduction in pollution
? Such a system might be able to prevent thieves and criminals from making a quick getaway since the traffic lights can be used to switch off their vehicles
? It can also be used at railway crossings so that train collisions and other accidents are reduced to a bare minimum
? It is also safer to use an automated system of regulating vehicular traffic since it reduces human error. There are still many cities where human cops are required to regulate traffic.

IBM's system will gather information from traffic signals, GPS, traffic loads, road sensors, cameras and so on. It will require the use of WiFi, satellite communications and cellular networks in order to work effectively.


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