Friday, June 25, 2010

Why Only Muslims Are Called "Terrorist" ??

Why Only Muslims Are Called "Terrorist" ??
A question from rest of the world ... 

 I am unable to find the the specific reason as to why only muslims are labelled as Terrorist ...

Here is a little comparison between different religions and you may yourself judge that calling all Muslims a Terrorist is not Logical .. 

The Beard - People from all religions keep Beard ..
The Pray - All paople ask for Creator's help through Pray

The Worship Places - All people worship to their Creator

The Holy Book - Everyone has the right to read his/her Holybook

The Covering of Head - All religion followers cover their heads

The Holy Places - People of all religions have some Holy Place

The Hijab - Everyone takes care of Hijaab

So , Muslims , as followers of other religions, worship their creator and spreads peace ..

Now , Black sheep are present in every religion .. and this is not fair to call every muslim a terrorist or blame Islam on the basis of just few of them did wrong things, is not fair .. 
Moreover , below is the talk by Dr Zakir Nayek on Is Terrorism A Muslim Monoploy? 
I am not going to start any debate over it .. as u can see , I haven't enabled comment box .. Just think for a while and decide yourself .. 

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