Saturday, August 21, 2010

Wake up young generation

Where ever I go, I see people talking on cell phones. Children, adults, teenagers, people of all ages are always chatting on their cellular phones. Having a cell phone now makes people reachable in almost any location as long as there is good reception. This makes individuals easier to contact. Although they serve to facilitate lives on a daily basis, they also have a few subversive, undesirable effects. Addiction to cell phone is becoming common. Youngsters feel a group pressure to remain inter-connected and reachable round the clock. Children start to use mobile phones at an early stage of their life. There seems to be a connection between intensive use of cell phones and health compromising behaviour,Teenagers who excessively use their cell phone are more prone to disrupted sleep, restlessness, stress and fatigue,
Cell phones are not just for talking. As the technology becomes more and more sophisticated, teenagers can use cell phones to do lots of other things without their parents’ knowledge. With some phones kids can take pictures, text message or surf the Web for videos and games. They can also download pictures, videos, and music. Cell phones allow kids to keep their contacts secret and can facilitate contact with bad influences. The Office of National Drug Control Policy has reported that some teens are using technology and the Internet to get drug information, and cell phones provide instant access to information and sources of drugs. According to their report, 60% of teens have their own cell phones and 19 million teens instant message. New features such as color and added power may provide games and videos of questionable content. Game ratings are not available on cell phones, so parents will have less knowledge or control of their children’s activities Cell phones offer opportunities for undesirable behavior, such as cheating on tests or teen dating abuse. Teens have reported that they have been called names, harassed, put down by their partner, or asked to engage in sex through cell phones and texting. They have also reported that boyfriends/girlfriends sharing private or embarrassing pictures/videos on cell phones and computers which is a serious problem. Talking or sending SMS text messages on a cell phone while driving is proven to be as dangerous as driving under the influence of alcohol. A study by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine found that excessive use of cell phones causes teens and young adults to experience restlessness, difficulty falling and staying asleep and increased susceptibility to stress and fatigue. Cell phone usage is expensive and can hinder one’s socioeconomic progression, causing elevated stress levels.
Students forget to turn off their mobile phones during classes and their sound can be disturbing for their colleagues and teachers. All their attention is headed to the mobile phone that had just ringed. Even if you put it on silence, it can be disturbing. There are many high school students that prefer to do something else instead of listening to the teacher. They rather play some games or even send some messages. There are students who send between them messages, in order not to get bored.
After the snatching of mobiles, people now having more than one cell phone so that if in case of snatching, they must have another one. Some people disturb innocent girls in the mid of night through texting and calling. Teenager post online personal information like a mobile phone number for fun and other different reasons and one of them is because they want to sell an object. There are many peoples who access these sites just to obtain mobile phone numbers. Once they have them they start calling their owners. It’s quite annoying not knowing who is calling you isn’t it? There are people who call their “victims’ in the middle of the night just to scare them. This is without any doubt one of the biggest disadvantage of mobile phones. All network connection companies are also spoiling young generation by offering different sms and call packages.
To conclude, mobile phones have their ups and downs. It’s true that people don’t really the bad side, and they continue to buy and to talk countless hours, but, sooner or later we will all learn on our own. The scariest Dangers of Mobile Phones are cancer and brain tumors so, people should at least think of cancer in its worst stage, before staying for hours talking with a friend on the phone.


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