Most Failed Countries of the World
(Ranking 21-40)
During the last half-decade, the Fund for Peace has been putting together the Failed States Index, using a battery of indicators that determine how stable (or unstable) a country is. As a result, we have taken the top 60, or should we say worst 60 Failed Countries of the World.
But as much as we admire the stats and numbers there is no better way but as the photos that demonstrate the degree of failure of a country. The best test is the simplest one, which is that you’ll only know a failed state when you see it.
And these photographs captured by the all seeing eye of the camera are, as they seem, true postcards from hell.
41. Laos
42. Rawanda
43. Solomon Island
44. Equatorial Guinea
45. Kyryzstan
46. Colombia
47. Togo
48. Syria
49. Egypt
50. Bhutan
51. Phillipines
52. Comoros
53. Bolivia
54. Israel
55. Azerbaijan
56. Papua New Guinea
57. Zambia
58. Moldova
59. Angola
60. Bosnia-Herzegovina
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