Wednesday, October 13, 2010

60 Most Failed Countries of the World: Postcards From Hell : Part-2

Most Failed Countries of the World

(Ranking 21-40)

During the last half-decade, the Fund for Peace has been putting together the Failed States Index, using a battery of indicators that determine how stable (or unstable) a country is. As a result, we have taken the top 60, or should we say worst 60 Failed Countries of the World.
But as much as we admire the stats and numbers there is no better way but as the photos that demonstrate the degree of failure of a country. The best test is the simplest one, which is that you’ll only know a failed state when you see it.
And these photographs captured by the all seeing eye of the camera are, as they seem, true postcards from hell.


22. Guinea-Bissau


24. Bangladesh

25. Srilanka

26. Cameroon

27. Nepal

28. Malawi

29. Sierra Leone

30. Eritrea

31. Republic of the Congo

32. Iran

33. Liberia

34. Lebanon

35. Burkina Faso

36. Uzbekistan

37. Georgia

38. Tajikistan

39. Mauritania

40. Cambodia
to be continued...
For Part-1, click here


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