Monday, March 21, 2011


DO U WANT TO PLAY PRANKS ON UR FRNDS?If yes IS UR ANSWER THEN you r in the right place. Just download the text attchment from below and transfer it ur phone, then copy the text of the attachment from ur phone using the copy feature of s60 phones and rename ur bluetooth name by pasting the text u hv copied. Now switch on ur bluetooth, whenever anybody tries to search nearby bluetooh devices to send files, his phone will restart . This process...

9 Reasons to Drink Green Tea Daily

Have you been wondering “what’s all the fuss about green tea?” Now you can stop wondering and start drinking…green tea, that is. This flavorful beverage offers many health benefits to anyone who drinks it regularly. Green tea contains a potent plant nutrient known as epigallocatechin gallate, or EGCG, for short. But don’t fret, you don’t have to keep track of its chemical name to reap the health benefits. Here are 9 reasons to start drinking...

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Multi processingMultiprogrammingMulti threadingTime sharingBatch timeSpoolingPreemptiveNon preemptiveShort time schedulingLong term schedulingReady queueWait queueRun queuePagerPagingSegmentationFramesLayered systemDistributed systemMonoli...

Top 12 Loudest Animals That Can Make You Deaf Grey

Grey WolfThey can make very loud howling at night.Their howling can be heard from 10 miles away.North American BullfrogThey are the loudest amphibian, the male makes mating call for the female.The mating call can be heard from 0,5 miles away.Australian’s Bladder CicadaThey are the loudest insect, the male sings loud mating call for the female.The song can reach 120 dB, 100 times louder than music discotheque.The song can be heard from 1,5 miles away.Northern...

Suggesting Facebook Pages Returns For Some

Suggesting Facebook Pages Returns For SomeFacebook has quietly restored the ability for some administrators to suggest pages to friends. Some administrators don’t have the ability to suggest their pages to friends; we wonder whether the “haves” and “have-nots” are a test group and a control group for Facebook to study whether to permanently reinstate the feature for all admins.The feature now has a different look than the previous version...

Pepsi Change The Game Ad Campaign

Pepsi Change The Game TVC with DhoniPepsi Change The Game TVC with Billy BowdenPepsi Change The Game TVC with BhajjiPepsi Change The Game TVC with Shakib Al HasanPepsi Change The Game TVC with SehwagPepsi Change The Game TVC with Kevin Pietersen'sPepsi Change The Game TVC with Dilshan Pa...

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Pakistan vs Australia:Live streaming


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