Sunday, April 26, 2009

World's longest Road Tunnels

It was a privilege to be present when the King of Norway cut the ribbon for the opening of the world's longest road tunnel between Lærdal and Aurland on November 27, 2000. Several thousand persons attended this historic event in beautiful fall weather. Prior to the ribbon-cutting ceremony, the musician Karl Seglem played his own especially composed music on a bukkehorn, or ram's horn, to entice the "trolls" (children from Årdal, Lærdal...

World's Longest Tongue

World's Longest Tongue - Have you ever wondered who has the longest tongue in the world? That's why you're here right! According to the Guinness World Records, the current world recorder holder for the longest tongue is Stephen Taylor (UK). Mr. Taylor has a tongue that measures 9.5 cm (3.74 in) from the tip to the centre of his closed top lip. Details below: Name: Stephen Taylor ...

World's longest TV

The world's longest television can be found at the Hong Kong Jockey Club. The Diamond Vision display was built by the Mitsubishi Electric Corporation and measures 70.4 meters or 231 feet long and 8 meters or 26 feet high. The world's longest TV is about as long as a 747. World's Longest...

World longest URL

Characters: 263 Notes: We tried longer ones but they were truncated, so this is the longest that we could actually upload. ...

World's longest window

The Monterey Bay Aquarium in California is home to almost 300,000 animals and the world's longest window. The Outer Bay exhibit holds one million gallons of sea water as well as tuna, sharks, ocean sunfish and sea turtles and can be viewed through a 56 foot long window that also happens to be 17 feet high. The Monterey Bay Aquarium opened on October 20 1984 and cost $55 million to build. The Monterey Bay Aquar...

Friday, April 24, 2009

World longest wall

Over 2000 years ago Qin Shi Huangdi built a wall to protect his dynasty. It was no ordinary wall, it was up to 25 feet tall and 15 - 30 feet thick. Oops, forgot to mention, it was about 5,000 km. long. You guessed it, Qin Shi Huangdi built the Great Wall of China. Later dynasties added to the wall and currently, including branches, the Great Wall of China measures in at over 6,000 km. Qin Shi Huangdi's Great Wall of Ch...

World's longest time watching TV

On September 13 2005 Suresh Joachim started watching TV on the show Live with Regis and Kelly as part of their 'Guinness World Record Breaker Week'. September 16 2005, after 69 hours & 48 minutes Suresh Joachim added a new world record to his repertoire of over 30 other world records he currently holds. Suresh received only a 5 minute break every hour and a 15 minute break every 8 hours. Apart from that he had to be continuously watching the screen. Apparently he only watched ABC programs, voluntarily, we might add, it was not a stipulation to set the reco...

Wolrd longest word (ENGLISH)

So what exactly is the longest word in the world It all depends on your point of view, but here goes: Officially the longest word is 'floccinaucinihilipilification' at 29 characters, meaning 'the act of estimating as worthless'. Then there's 'antidisestablishmentarianism' at 28 letters, meaning 'opposition to the disestablishment of the Church of England'. It is often considered the longest word as it has an actual meaning instead of being created just to be long. Unofficially the longest word is 'pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis' at 45 characters, meaning 'a lung disease'. It was created solely for the purpose of being...

World's longest wedding dress

Recently, there was an E-Marriage Fest wedding fair in Bucharest April 3, 2009 which was being closely followed by thousands of brides-to-be I'm sure. Another reason it was being followed was because it started with a shot at trying to break the current Guinness World Recordsfor a wedding dress train measuring 1,362 meters. The gorgeous new train designed by Ioana Comanescu of the "Il Creatore" bridal shop did manage to set a new record by measuring...

World's longest wrestling match

The world's longest wrestling match occurred in 1912 during the Olympic Games in Sweden. The match that made this world record was between Martin Kleinrepresenting Russia and Alfred Asikainen representing Finland. Martin Klein won the match after 11 hours and 40 minutes to receive the Greco-Roman 75 kg silver med...

World's longest year

We hope you did not answer any of the many leap years as you would be way off. In 153 BC the Romans set the new year as January 1st, but set it at 355 days.A bit later they reverted back to celebrating the new year in March. Finally in 46 BC Julius Caesar created the the Julian Calendar and the new year was to fall on January 1st again and last 365 days. Unfortunately the calendar was out of sync and an extra 90 days were added to 46 BC making it the longest year ever clocking in at 445 days....

World's longest YouTube video

The YouTube website is becoming increasingly popular with normal, everyday folk having the ability to upload their own videos and material. One can visit the website and find just about anything that tickles their fancy. But just how much time does one have to sit in front of their computer watching somebody else’s video? Well, if you want to watch the longest YouTube video ever published, you will need a total of nine hours and fifteen minutes.Charles Trippy created the video that stays within the website’s 100-megabyte limit. The video starts out with Trippy speaking into the camera and a warning flashing across the screen, “This...

World's largest door

When it comes to the world's largest door, there's not just one, in fact there are four and they all belong to NASA's Vehicle Assembly Building at the Kennedy Space Center.The Vehicle Assembly Building was originally built to assembly of Apollo and Saturn vehicles and and is now used to support Space Shuttle operations. Each of the four doors are 139 meters or 456 feet high, comparatively, the Statue of Liberty is only 93 meters or 305 feet...

world's Biggest country

Here's a listing of the twenty largest countries in the world by area, in both square kilometers and square miles. Russia: 17,075,200 km2 (6,591,027 mi2) Canada: 9,984,670 km2 (3,854,082 mi2) United States: 9,631,418 km2 (3,717,727 mi2) China: 9,596,960 km2 (3,704,426 mi2) Brazil: 8,511,965 km2 (3,285,618 mi2) Australia: 7,686,850 km2 (2,967,124 mi2) India: 3,287,590 km2 (1,269,009 mi2) Argentina: 2,766,890 km2 (1,068,019 mi2) Kazakhstan: 2,717,300 km2 (1,048,877 mi2) Sudan: 2,505,810 km2 (967,243 mi2) Algeria: 2,381,740 km2 (919,352 mi2) Congo, Democratic Republic of the: 2,345,410 km2 (905,328 mi2) Mexico: 1,972,550 km2 (761,404 mi2) Saudi...

World's Longest Fingernails

Sixty four year old Lee Redmond of Utah, USA holds the record for the longest fingernails. The total length of her talons in 24 feet and 7 inches. She keeps them supple by rubbing in olive oil. Since the record was set in September this lady has decided to cut her nails as she needs to take care of her husband who suffers from Alzheimer's.She hasn't cut her nails since 1979.A retired Indian photographer from Poona near Mumbai has been growing his...

World's Longest Ear Hair

World's Longest Ear HairHis ear hair is 25cm long and still growing but Indian grocer Radhakant Baijpai has no intention of trimming it.Officially recognised by Guinness in 2003 as having the longest ear hair in the world, Radhakant has carefully coifed his ear-folicles from 13.2cm to their current ear-itching length.Considered by Radhakant, 58, to be symbol of luck and prosperity, his incredible ear-hair has been growing since he was 18 and more...

World's Longest Hair?

World's Longest H...

World's biggest train

World's biggest train set revea...

Thursday, April 23, 2009

World's Tallest Couple

World's Tallest Cou...

World's biggest hand

World's biggest hand A Chinese man who had the world's biggest hand is hoping for a normal life after undergoing surgery. Liu Hua, 24, from Jiangsu Province, had fingers thicker than his arms before the operation to remove 11lbs of bone and tissue, reports Xinmin Evening News. His left thumb, index finger and middle finger were deformed at birth but they have since grown to an amazing size. Liu said: "My thumb...

World's biggest TV

The world's biggest TV - a whopping 150 inch plasma screen and standing six feet tall - has been unveiled. The monster Panasonic TV, which is expected to cost a wallet-busting £50,000, is the star attraction at a gadget show in Las Vegas. The high-definition screen, which is understood to weigh more than a quarter of a tonne (220kg), smashes the previous record size for a TV by 42 inches - the height of a small child. Towering six feet high, it is...

World's biggest TV

The world's biggest TV - a whopping 150 inch plasma screen and standing six feet tall - has been unveiled. The monster Panasonic TV, which is expected to cost a wallet-busting £50,000, is the star attraction at a gadget show in Las Vegas. The high-definition screen, which is understood to weigh more than a quarter of a tonne (220kg), smashes the previous record size for a TV by 42 inches - the height of a small child. Towering six feet high, it is...

World's Largest Oceans and sea

World Top 10 - Largest Oceans and sea S. NO.Country 12345678910 Pacific OceanAtlantic OceanIndian OceanArctic OceanSouth China OceanCaribbean SeaMediterranean SeaBering SeaSea of OkhotskGulf of Mexico ...

World's Biggest Spider

Largest Spider in the WorldThe Goliath Birdeater, Theraphosa leblondi, is a tarantula, and it is the largest spider in the world. Despite its name, the Goliath Birdeater does not eat birds; it eats invertebrates such as crickets and mealworms, and also small vertebrates such as mice and lizards. Native to South America, these spiders can be as large as 30 centimetres (12 inches) in leg span, when their legs are stretched out. You can see an approximately...

World biggest flower

largest flower in the worldThe Titan Arum, or "corpse flower," is the world's largest flower, with blooms that can have a diameter of well over a metre. It is also very rare. The fully open flower emits a repulsive, 'rotting-fish' scent. This odour is to attract pollinators which, where it lives, are mainly carrion beetles and flesh flies.The Titan Arum's natural home is the equatorial rainforest of central Sumatra, in Indonesia. The plant is in...

World's Biggest Truck

World's Biggest Tr...

World biggest Nose

World biggest N...

World largest trees

Certified list of largest trees and tallest trees in the world. Tallest trees refer to the height of the tree and largest trees refer to the volume of its trunk. Here are the world's 5 tallest and 4 largest trees.Tallest Trees in the WorldCoast RedwoodHyperion, a Coast Redwood in California, at 115.5 m tall the tallest tree in the world, found in 2006. Hyperion is the name of a coast redwood tree in Northern California that has been confirmed...

World largest trees

Certified list of largest trees and tallest trees in the world. Tallest trees refer to the height of the tree and largest trees refer to the volume of its trunk. Here are the world's 5 tallest and 4 largest trees.Tallest Trees in the WorldCoast RedwoodHyperion, a Coast Redwood in California, at 115.5 m tall the tallest tree in the world, found in 2006. Hyperion is the name of a coast redwood tree in Northern California that has been confirmed...

World's largest Bridge

World's largest BridgeItaly to build the world's largest suspension bridge between Calabria and Sicily According to The Daily Telegraph (Feb 25th 2009), Italy will forge ahead with a controversial plan to build the world's largest suspension bridge, a massive structure which will arch between the mainland and Sicily, the government said on Wednesday. Last Updated: 10:11PM GMT 25 Feb 2009 Photo simulation...

World's tallest man

In terms of height they are worlds apart. The world's tallest man, Bao Xishun today shook hands with He Pingping who claims to be Earth's shortest. But these two men actually hail from the same region of Inner Mongolia.. Mr Xishun shakes hands with Mr Ping Ping While Mr Xishun, 56, towers above everyone at an astonishing 7.9ft, 19-year-old Mr Pingping is a mere 2.4ft high. Bao Xishun, a herdsman from Chifeng, Inner Mongolia, was recently married...

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