Monday, January 31, 2011

Atif’s Facebook page has highest daily growth

KARACHI: An unofficial but most popular Facebook blog named “All Facebook“, lists Atif Aslam’s official fan page on the top in a list of fan pages with highest daily growth. The page now also has over a million fans which is a milestone that has never been achieved by any other Pakistani celebrity. Atif’s Facebook management reacted in following words: We are very excited to announce that this page, the official page of Atif Aslam on Facebook...

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Surprising Facts About Death On Facebook

Did you know that about 200,000 Facebook members die each year? See the picture below. According to All Facebook, putting the death rate on the social network at about half of the world average; and about 550 Facebook deaths happen daily. It seems a lot, but compared to the 700,000 daily activations Facebook receives, the ratio is a paltry o...

Chocolate Helps Lower Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is a significant concern as it significantly raises the incidence of vascular disease and stroke. As a result of stress, poor diet and lifestyle, enzymes in our body produce a substance known as angiotensin II that causes blood vessels to narrow and blood pressure to increase. Standard medical practice is to prescribe ACE inhibitors to inhibit the action of these enzymes, often with mixed results and always dangerous side...

Two Things That Makes Man To Do Anything for Woman

Two Things That Makes Man To Do AnythingTwo things should be happening if your relationship is going to workFirst thing that makes a man to do anything is a girl's smile. Second thing that makes a man to do anything is a girl's tear.Two Things That Makes Man To Do Anyth...

1. Scream; $7 million+; Michael & Janet Jackson 2. Victory; 2.7 million; Puff Daddy 3. Heartbreaker; 2.5 million; Mariah Carey 4. What’s It Gonna Be; 2.4 million; Busta Rhymes with Janet Jackson 5. Larger Than Life; $2.1 million; Backstreet Boys6. Miami; $2 million; Will Smith7. She’s a Bitch; $ 2 million; Missy Elliot 8. Unpretty; $1.6 million; TLC9. November Rain; $1.5 million; Guns N’ Roses 10. Girlfriend/Boyfriend; $1.5 million; Blackstreet with Janet Jackson Related Pos...

Saturday, January 29, 2011

History of Mughals in Pakistan: Cast History In Pakistan

History of Mughals in PakistanHistory of Mughals in PakistanIn Pakistan, Mughal communities are found in Sindh and Punjab provinces. In PunjabThe Mughal (Mistry) are considered directly descended from the Mughal dynasty that ruled India. During the fall of the Mughal empire most of the Mughals that survived were forced to flee, leaving their land and wealth behind. They escaped into the mountains of Kashmir and gradually settled in (Azaad Kashmir...

100 Years of IBM

100 Years of IBMThe film features one hundred people, who each present the IBM achievement recorded in the year they were born. The film chronology flows from the oldest person to the youngest, offering a whirlwind history of the company and culminating with its prospects for the future. Here for more infos.100 Years of ...

Friday, January 28, 2011

The New 13th Zodiac Sign in Horoscope from 2011 : Ophiuchus

The recent media hype about Ophiuchus (pronounced Oh-fee-YOU-cuss), "the new 13th zodiac sign," has sent folks spinning into an astrological identity crisis -- as well as overloading our own DH web servers. But the whole thing is not even true!"Ophiuchus has nothing to do with Astrology," said expert astrologer Rick Levine. "It's not an Astrology issue. It has to do with the stars -- it's not a sign, it's a constellation.""There are four seasons...

World's Most Dangerous Bird

World's Most Dangerous BirdAccording to the Guinness Book of Records, the Cassowaries are the world’s most dangerous birds, capable of dealing fatal blows. They are very unpredictable, aggressive creatures, especially if wounded or cornered. The Cassowary lives in the rain forests of Australia and New Guinea and are actually pretty shy animals if undisturbed, but if you get to close and it thinks you’re a threat you could receive a bone-breaking...

Revolution in Tunisia

 Tunisia swore in a new interim president yesterday while struggling to contain looting, deadly prison riots and chaos in the streets.The unrest came after President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali was swept from power on Friday following a month of street protests over corruption, a lack of jobs and clampdowns on civil liberties.As many as 50 people were reported to have been killed in a prison fire in the Mediterranean coastal resort of Monastir....

Thursday, January 27, 2011

American killed three in Lahore

LAHORE: Three people were killed when a US national opened fire on motorcycle riders and hit another with his car in an attempt to escape from the scene at Mazang Chowk on Thursday, Geo News reported.According to details, the man identified as Raymond David, reportedly a staffer of the US Consulate, opened fire at two persons ridding a motorcycle, injuring them seriously. Both the injured were shifted to Services Hospital where they were pronounced...

Facebook Is Worth $50 Billion

8 Charts That Show Why Facebook Is Worth $50 Billion 01 Facebook Reaches 70% of US Internet Users. That's Up From 48% In Aug. 2009Image: Imran Khan, JP MorganGoldman Sachs made it official: Facebook is worth $50 billion.And coincidentally, J.P. Morgan analyst Imran Khan put out his annual report on the state of the Internet earlier today, which has some statistics to explain why.You knew that Facebook was big, but exactly how big might surprise...

12 Facts about China

1. China’s economy grew 7 times as fast as America’s over the past decade (316% growth vs. 43%)11 More Facts about China after the break...02. 85 percent of artificial Christmas trees are made in China. So are 80 percent of toys.03. China has more pigs than the next 43 pork producing countries combined304. Chinese consume 50,000 cig@rettes every second.05. America’s fastest “high speed” train goes less than half as fast as the new train between...

Incredible bicycle tricks

See what one can do with just a bike ... Danny MacAskill, a member of the Inspired Bicycles Team displays his incredible riding skills in and around the city of Edinbur...

Monday, January 24, 2011

Maria B. New Design Collection 2011: Pakistani Fashion

Pakistani FashionFashion Designer Maria B presents her latest new designs collection 2010, in elegant designs of long shirts in bold and shimmering colors. A classic combination of black and white in long skirt designs looks amazing in zebra and small prints. Some shocking shades of pink have also been used with thread silky embellishments on raw silk fabric.Pakistani FashionPakistani Fash...

Shoes For Boys : 2011 Designs

Shoes For Boyz : designs Boys Shoes. Wherever there are mud puddles and tons of slimy ... Most boys are rough and tough on their shoes, which means that ...

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Qureshi Family History : Cast History In Pakistan

<Qureshi Family History : Cast History In PakistanQuraishi (also rendered as Qureshi, Qoraishi, Koraishi, Kureshy or Kureishi), (Arabic: قریشی‎) is a family name that originates from Arabs in Saudi Arabia, particularly from the city of Mecca.LineageAccording to traditional legends, Arab lineages allegedly originate from three groups:* Perished Arabs (العرب البائدة): These are the ancients of whose history little is known. They include ‘Ad, Thamûd,...

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