Thursday, February 24, 2011

Top 10 Richest Indians

Top 10 Richest IndiansTop 10 Richest IndiansRichest Indians in 2010. More after the break...10. Gautam AdaniGautam Adani — Net Worth: $6 BillionStarted just in 1988, the Adani group has climbed up the ladder fast to reach forefront of business in commodities trading and expanded to infrastructure and energy. Its chairman Gutam Adani is our tenth richest person.09. Kumar BirlaKumar Birla — Net Worth: $7.8 billionBirla group used to be the number...

10 Oldest Mosques in the World

01. Quba Mosque, Saudi ArabiaFirst Built: 622The designation of the oldest mosque in the world requires careful use of definitions, and must be divided into two parts, the oldest in the sense of oldest surviving building, and the oldest in the sense of oldest mosque congregation. Even here, there is the distinction between old mosque buildings that have been in continuous use as mosques, and those that have been converted to other purposes;...

The Biggest Family in the World

At Zion Chan from India 39 wives, 94 children and 33 grandchildren.If we add to them wives and husbands of his adult children, lives in the house of Chan 181 people. The house itself - is enormous. It has more than one hundred bedrooms.Wife sleep with their common husband in turn.At what most young have an advantage over those who are older.At dinner, the family prepares about 30 whole chickens.An interesting fact worth noting also the fact...

World in the mist of 'LIKE'

Someone might already brought this into light, but I just realized it. It all started with me thinking for the reasons why people write poems.One can list out Love, hate, compassion, dream, happiness, sorrow and go on till he is out of all emotions.On thinking, I narrowed the list down to one, which is like.Let me just list out all above reasons one by one and then show how they indeed are likeLove - Synonym of like !Hate - You hate something because...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Now upload up to 2048 pixel size large images in Facebook

Now upload up to 2048 pixel size large images in FacebookNow upload up to 2048 pixel size large images in FacebookNow upload up to 2048 pixel size large images in FacebookIf you were in a dilemma on whether to shift completely on to Flickr for photo sharing needs, then Facebook gives you one more reason to keep sticking to it. Facebook is going to increase the maximum size limit for uploading photos from 720 pixels to 2048 pixels (approximately 8...

Monday, February 21, 2011

Some Heartbreaking Photos of 2010

Some Heartbreaking Photos of 2010Some Heartbreaking Photos of 2010Year 2010 is saying good bye and everyone is happy to give a cheerful welcome to the new year 2011 but here I am sharing 12 heartbreaking photos of 2010. This sharing is not to make you sad but just to remind that world is full of sad stories so in new year spread more and more love to people and play your role in making this world more beautiful.Some Heartbreaking Photos...

Top 5 World’s Most Amazing Places

World’s Most Amazing PlacesWorld’s Most Amazing PlacesHere is a list of the top 5 most beautiful places in the world. A place is pointed out, be interesting and fascinating, if these places are unique. Makes people excited to be unique because of its uniqueness or surprised by the beauty of the place. As the places below, which consider the most beautiful places in the world? 1. The Door To Hell, TurkmenistanWorld’s Most Amazing PlacesDoor to Hell...

Sunday, February 20, 2011

4 Year Old Girl Drives Motorcycle — Video

Click on any image to view in full size. ...

Amazing facts about India

Amazing facts about IndiaAmazing facts about IndiaAmazing facts about India Photo LinkThe official Sanskrit name for India is Bharat.  INDIA has been called Bharat even in Satya yuga ( Golden Age ) More INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT India : - The name `India’ is derived from the River Indus, the valleys around which were the home of the early settlers. The Aryan worshippers referred to the river Indus as the Sindhu.The Persian invaders...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Attractive Female Stars of 2010 in Hollywood

Camilla Belle (Actress) The list of "Beautiful and Attractive Stars 2010 (Hollywood)" included celebrities of show business: music, film and fashion, more images after the break... Aubrey Odey (Singer)Kim Kardashian (Model, Star of Reality Show)Bar Rafaeli (Model) Scarlett Johansson (Actress)Christina Hendricks (Actress)Katy Perry (Singer)Tara Reid (Actress)Beyonce Knowles (Singer) Alina Let the (Mod...

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