Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Female Dominated Society…

There was a time where Males dominated females in all the aspects of life. This was the case for many years. Now the things are changing. Women are given more powers, they are not ignored. They can be seen in all the industries from Army to Pilots, Politics to Criminals etc…

Women is competing with men in every aspect, she is given all the freedom to implement her thoughts. She has reservations in government and private sectors.

Having said these…. Below are some of the real facts today:

  • When a girl cries the world consoles her; but when a boy cries people say common boy don’t cry like a girl.
  • If a girl slaps a boy, boy has done the mistake; if boy slaps a girl he doesn’t know how to respect girls.
  • If a boy talks to girls he is flirting; if girl talks to boys she is friendly
  • If a girl met with an accident then its mistake of others; if boy met with an accident he don’t know how to drive.

Conclusion: Now the World is no more male dominated, its entirely female dominated.


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