Thursday, December 9, 2010

Slimming after Pregnancy

Slimming after Pregnancy. The first thing that draws attention to a woman after childbirth – it’s her figure. The woman throws off up to 6 kilograms of his weight, as soon give birth to a child, but 3 pounds of fat gained during pregnancy, remains.

Often, many women begin to gain weight rapidly after birth. This is due to changes in the number of hormones and nutrition. The most important thing – proper nutrition and daily exercise.

Sit down immediately after giving birth to the very strict diet can not in any case! You are breastfeeding, and all the most useful substances are transmitted to your child through breast milk.

While you are breastfeeding, watch your diet. Try to eat as often as possible. Namely, four – six times a day. The ration your food must include dairy products. Milk, yogurt, yogurt drink up to 0.5 liters per day. Do not forget cheese. Meat and vegetables are needed for the vital force, both you and your child. Eggs and butter should also be included in your daily ration of food.

If during pregnancy you take vitamins – take them further. Drink plenty of fluids, two to three liters a day. The ideal situation would be liquid foods (soups).

Do not eat products such as: honey, citrus fruits, canned products, various pickles and chocolate. It is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol and smoke!


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